Peer Review Process


The academic community only recognizes peer-reviewed journal publication as quality publication, owing to the assurance of the article’s quality and pedigree, and thus the author. When authors who conduct research submit an article they have written to a journal, this is referred to as the process. The manuscript is then sent to the author’s peers (researchers and scholars) in the same discipline for review by the journal editor. The reviewers decide whether or not to publish the article based on the quality of the research, including the validity of the data, the conclusions reached by the authors, and the research’s originality.

Peer review comes in numerous forms. The key distinction is how well the authors, reviewers, and editors know each other’s identities. The most prevalent types are as follows:

Single-Blind Review:
The term “single-blind review procedure” describes a circumstance in which the authors are unaware of the reviewers’ identities, despite the reviewers’ ability to see the authors’ names. Reviews can be honest and direct because the reviewers’ private information is safeguarded, so they don’t have to be concerned about outside pressures or influences.

Double-Blind Review:
The manuscript will be evaluated by at least two experts from other nations with advanced academic and technological systems. This journal employs double-blind review, which means that throughout the review process, the identities of both the reviewer and the author are kept a secret from each other. Authors must make sure that their writings are written in a way that conceals their identities in order to make this easier.

Open Peer Review:
Open peer review system provides the provision to reveal the identities of the authors and reviewers to each other during the review process.

Transparent Review:
Is a type of review in which the reports of peer-reviewers, the reactions of authors, and the editors’ decision letters are published alongside the accepted articles.

Peer Review Phases:
After successfully submitting your manuscript, the following stage is peer review.

Peer review is a procedure used by journals to examine and control the quality of the information they publish by asking subject-matter experts to analyses and comment on papers that have been submitted.

The editorial team first conducts an initial review of all manuscripts submitted to a journal.

Those that pass the screening are next sent for peer review to at least three specialists.

Peer reviewers independently advise the journal editor whether or not to accept the submission for publication.

The journal editor weighs all of the suggestions made by the peer reviewers before deciding whether to accept or reject the submission.