
Editors Guidelines

Contributing Editor’s responsibilities

  • Submitted manuscript is assessed by Quadrants editor upon manuscript scope and quality and recommends a publication based on the peer review process.
  • The Editorial Board reviewers submitted manuscripts and ensure high-quality research meets the journal’s guidelines.
  • Providing a clear statement of the Journal’s policies on authorship criteria
  • Authors are treated with respect, objectivity, honesty, and transparency.
  • Conflict of interest policies must be established and defined for all those involved in the publication process, including editors, staff (e.g., editorial and sales), authors, and reviewers.
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of every author’s work and ensuring an effective and rapid peer review process
  • Editorial decisions should be made promptly and communicated in a clear and constructive manner.
  • All other editorial policies and standards should be clearly communicated.

Towards Scientific Community

  • Editors must ensure that the manuscript’s content and author information are legible and accurate.
  • Evaluate whether the manuscript fits the journal’s scope
  • Contribute to maintaining the integrity of the journal by suggesting corrections, dealing with retractions, supplying supplemental data, etc.

Publisher Role

Journals published by Quadrant Scientific Publisher are following a timely and rigorous peer-review process to bring recent and novel scientific information at its best possible mode. As a publisher the following policies are in practice:

  • Supporting fair and timely Peer review process with valuable inputs from the responsible Editors and Reviewers.
  • Adhering to the guidelines and procedures designed to ensure the fair and best practices followed in the industry.
  • Improving the overall process and enabling better production support and global dissemination of the information published in the journals.
  • Ensuring smooth functioning of web development, web management, and social media management for journals and articles with the help of the staff members.